Thursday 14 February 2013

Long time, no post

It's been STUPIDLY busy at work these last two weeks (tons of paperwork until the early hours) so I've not had a chance to update the blog until now.

As a result, I've got a pile of not-quite-finished posts which need publishing!  So... you'll be seeing a deluge of posts from me as I "flush my buffer" (programmer speak).

Most significantly, last week saw a major change of focus after a meeting with ace course tutor Josh Taylor, It became clear that the pianola-themed game design was heading down a dead end, so I'm now working frantically on a new nostalgia-themed interactive puzzle game.  (You can read the details which led up to that, and the developments since, in the forthcoming posts.)

Please note that I'll be back-dating the posts to the dates they were written (or intended for publication).  I recognise that such time-twisting calendar-wrangling antics will probably unleash the Chrono-Cops on my sorry ass, but it's a necessity in order to avoid creating a gargantuan twenty-posts-on-the-same-day entry on Blogger.  (I'm not sure how this temporal deviance will affect email subscribers, so please check Strontium Blog online if things seem a little quiet the next few days!)