Tuesday 14 October 2014

Rewind: 1980s room

I've already written quite a bit about the 1980s room I created for my "Gizmo" project, including some of the accompanying nostalgia trigger items.  For Rewind, I rearranged & adapted this room, reusing many of the objects within.

Extra models and details were added, including:

  • More LPs and cassettes
  • An out-of-box cassette, with unspooled tape
  • Portable cassette recorder
  • WHSmith pencil (for winding back said tape!)
  • ZX81 home computer
  • Rubik's Barrel toy
  • Rubik's Snake toy
  • British Telecom phonecard

For the purpose of the final video simulation, shadows were added from the renderer.  They look pretty bad, but that's a limitation of the depth map shadowing I was using.  Shadows are important for this room so the finished game would use fake planar shadows (on alpha channels) mixed with baked shadows on fixed objects.

I'm fairly happy with this room as a good example of what the Rewind game is about.  When showing a video clip to a colleague his first reaction was a please exclamation of "I used to have one of those!" (referring to the Galaxy Invader 10000) -- that pretty much embodies the emotional reaction I wanted this to produce.