Wednesday 30 October 2013

1980s bedroom (part 3) Start construction

Having designed a replacement 1980s-themed look for the main bedroom in the Gremlins: Gizmo game, the construction process was initiated by marking out the rough positions of objects on Maya 3D modelling software.

To get in the correct mindset I decided to start with the rug, because I felt that the specific period content would put me in the correct mindset for later work.

A quick hunt yielded the correct bitmapped font style associated with many Japanese arcade games.  I'd anticipated using the standard 3-bit RGB 8-colour palette but had totally forgotten that many arcade machines had already started using alternative colours quite early on. For example, Galaxian (1979) uses the standard palette but Pac-Man (1980) includes orange and pink ghosts.  After experimenting with different colours I decided to stick with the standard 8 colours.

This particular 8x8-pixel font was used on Namco titles, becoming synonymous with arcade games of this period. 
To complete the rug I added a pixellated version of the original rug's "earth & stars" centre image, as planned.  (If this were a production version I'd probably tidy up the stars to make them clearer.)  The floor was quickly textured using an existing repeating pine laminate pattern.

The bed was pretty straightforward.  I've used the duvet's polygons to do the work of 'unsettling' the duvet, to make it look more natural, with the help of a lattice deformer; this will allow me to experiment with different cover patterns if needed, quickly and easily.

So far it's going to plan.  Once the wall are in place this will start to look a lot more substantial.  More construction reports soon!